Sunday 7 April 2013

Installation experimentation

These photos were taken during the tutorial group exercise to create a prototype installation. Tim, Helen, Lachie and myself constructed essentially a layered frame which was offset by a black negative background. The group investigated how various lit textures and shapes interacted in an enclosed space. 

Waterfront night photos


Here are a few snaps taken on the second waterfront tutorial. My focus was on lit space as one moves past it, the aim was to get a perpetual reading of the environment. 

Saturday 6 April 2013

Architectural Play of Light

Treptow Crematorium, Berlin

Chapel near the Berlin Wall

Gallery in the Belem Cultural Centre, Lisbon

Natural History Museum, London

British Museum, London

Hallway, Madrid

Room, Porto

Casa da Musica, Porto

Pantheon, Rome

The Chapelle Notre-Dame-du-Haut in Ronchamp

The Dutch Pavillion at the Venice Biennale '12

Castle in Zaragoza

Ressurection Chapel in the Woodland Cemetery, Stockholm
Above are a collection of photos I took while in Europe last year that demostrate the architectural consideration of light and shadow within an interior space. NH

Beautiful Light-Space Models

I photographed these Models/ Sculptures in the Hamburger Bahnhof Gallery in Berlin which were set wthin a wall cavity. Their simplicity of form and beautifully considered light positioning makes them really intriguing scaled down spaces. NH

Nightime Photo Session #2

Some further interesting light effects around the waterfront. Considering we were out there for over an hour and walked a couple of hundred metres shows there is plenty to investigate. NH